viki.fabric.docker - A short guide

The viki.fabric.docker module contains several Docker related Fabric tasks that may help reduce the effort required for writing Fabric tasks that involve Docker.

We will be going through an example of writing a Fabric script that builds a Docker image on your local machine, pushes it to the Docker registry, followed by pulling it on a set of servers. There is extensive inline documentation to aid your understanding.

Example Script

NOTE: This script assumes usage of Fabric 1.9.0. However, a version of Fabric relatively close to that should work as well.

# the module where the functions we're covering resides
import viki.fabric.docker as viki_docker
# other helper functions that we'll be needing
import viki.fabric.helpers as fab_helpers

# Fabric library imports
from fabric.api import env
from fabric.decorators import runs_once, task
from fabric.operations import run
from fabric.tasks import execute

# Fabric roles
env.roledefs = {
  "production": ["m01.prod1", "m02.prod1", "m03.prod1"],
  "testing": ["t01.test1", "t02.test1", "t03.test1"]

# This Fabric task is decorated with `fabric.decorators.runs_once` because
# it uses `fabric.tasks.execute` to run other Fabric tasks.
# Not decorating it with the `fabric.decorators.runs_once` will result in
# the following scenario:
#     We run a Fabric task T1 on servers S1, S2 and S3.
#     Fabric task T1 calls two other Fabric tasks T2 and T3.
#     Fabric task T1 is not decorated with `fabric.decorators.runs_once`.
#     What happens:
#         S1 runs T1
#             S1 runs T2
#             S2 runs T2
#             S3 runs T2
#             S1 runs T3
#             S2 runs T3
#             S3 runs T3
#         S2 runs T1
#             S1 runs T2
#             S2 runs T2
#             S3 runs T2
#             S1 runs T3
#             S2 runs T3
#             S3 runs T3
#         S3 runs T1
#             S1 runs T2
#             S2 runs T2
#             S3 runs T2
#             S1 runs T3
#             S2 runs T3
#             S3 runs T3
def build_my_repo_docker_image_and_push_to_registry():
  """Fabric task which builds a Docker image for my repository and pushes
  it to the Docker registry (
  # name of the Docker image in namespace/image format
  dockerImageName = "steveJackson/myRepo"

  # Use the `fabric.tasks.execute` function to run the
  # `viki.fabric.docker.build_and_push_docker_image` Fabric task.
  # The `viki.fabric.docker.build_and_push_docker_image` Fabric task is only
  # executed once regardless of the number of hosts or roles you pass to the
  # `build_my_repo_docker_image_and_push_to_registry` task that we're
  # writing now
  retVal = execute(viki_docker.build_and_push_docker_image,
    # path to the git repository; anything that `git clone` accepts is
    # acceptable

    # name of the Docker image

    # use `git-crypt` ( to decrypt the
    # git-crypt'ed files in the cloned repository

    # Path to the git-crypt key used for the repository

    # the Dockerfile is located inside the `docker-build` directory of the
    # cloned repository

    # pass in the hosts and roles supplied to the
    # `build_my_repo_docker_image_and_push_to_registry` task to the
    # `viki.fabric.docker.build_and_push_docker_image` task
    hosts=env.hosts, roles=env.roles

  # We did not supply the `dockerImageTag` keyword argument to the
  # above execute, hence we will need the tag of the newly built Docker
  # image, which is the return value of the task.
  # However, we're using `fabric.tasks.execute`, which collects the return
  # value of all hosts into a dict whose keys are the host strings and the
  # whose values are the return values of the original task for the hosts.
  # Since the `viki.fabric.docker.build_and_push_docker_image` Fabric task
  # is a local Fabric task which runs once, its return value will be the
  # same for all given hosts.
  # The `viki.fabric.helpers.get_return_value_from_result_of_execute_runs_once`
  # function is a convenience function to extract a return value from the
  # dict returned by `fabric.tasks.execute`.
  dockerImageTag = \

  # On each given server, pull the newly built Docker image.
  # This is run once for each server.
    # name of the Docker image in `namespace/image` format

    # tag of the Docker image; we obtained this above

    # pass in the hosts and roles given to the
    # `build_my_repo_docker_image_and_push_to_registry` task
    hosts=env.hosts, roles=env.roles

Suppose the above script is named To run it for the production machines:

fab -R production build_my_repo_docker_image_and_push_to_registry

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